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Airtificial Intelligence ( Grade 10)

Chapter Topics
1. Introduction of AI Digital E book          Reference E book
1.1   Introduction to AI : Foundational concepts
1.2   Introduction to AI : Basics of AI

2. AI Project Cycle
2.1 Introduction
2.2 AI Project cycle
2.3 Data Acquisition
2.4  Data Exploration
2.5  Modelling
3.Advance Python 
3.1  Python Review
3.2  Python Libraries and packages
4.Data Science
4.1  Introduction
4.2  Basic Statistic with python
 K-Nearest Neighbour Model
5.Computer Vision                                                  
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Concept of Computer vision
 Open CV
 Convolution OPERATOR
5.5 Convolution Neural Network
6.Natural Language Processing 
 Introducing to Natural Language Processing?
6.3 Language Differences
6.4 Data Processing
7.1 Introduction to Model Evaluation                     
7.2 Confusion Matrix
 Evaluation Method

Airtificial Intelligence ( Grade 9)

Chapter Topics
1. Introduction of AI Digital E book          Reference E book
1.1   Excite
1.2   Relate
1.3   Purpose
1.4 Possibilities
1.5AI Ethics
2. AI Project Cycle
2.1 Problem scoping
2.2 Data Acquisition
2.3 Data Exploration
2.4  Modelling
2.5  Evaluation and Deployment
3.Neural Networks
3.1  Introduction to Neural Network
3.2  Relation between networks and the human nervous system
3.3  Function of neural networks
4.Introduction to Python
4.1  Algorithams and Flowcharts
4.2  What is python?
 Variiables & operators