Coding ( Grade 4)

Chapter Topics
1. Introduction to Coding/Programming Languages Digital E book          Reference E book
1.1   Definition
1.2   Evolution
1.3   Applications of Coding language
2.1  What is HTML
2.2  Where is HTML used
2.3  History of HTML
2.4  Creating a HTML DOC
2.5  Tags Elements and attributes
2.6  Rules of writing HTML code
2.7  HTML5 Document structure
2.8  Write a HTML site
3.Desigining and formatting a web page
3.1  Common HTML container elements
3.2  Font style tags
3.3  Attributes of body element
3.4  empty elements
4.Introduction to scratch programming
4.1  Starting scratch
4.2  Main components of scratch
 Creating a new sprite using paint editor
4.4  Saving sprite
4.5  Moving a sprite
4.6  Drawin colorful circle
4.7  Making a duplicate copy of sprite
4.8  Saving a scratch project
4.9  Opening a saved project
4.10  Variables in scratch

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