Information Technology ( Grade 10)

                Chapter                                                                          Topics                                            
 Part (1) :- Employability Skills  Digital E book          Reference E book
1. Communication Skills - I
1.1 Method of Communication
1.2 Communication Cycle
1.3 Communication Barriers
1.4 Effective Communication
 1.5  Basic Writing Skills
2. Self-Management Skills - I
2.1 Stress Management and its Techniques
2.2 Ability to work Independently
3. Information and communication Technology Skills
3.1 Operationg Systems
3.2 Managing Files and Folders
3.3 Care and Maintenance of a Computer
4.Enterpreneurial Skills
4.1 Enterpreneur and Enterpreneurship

 5. Green Skills  
 5.1  Sustainable Development

 Part (2) :- Subject Specific Skills  
 1. Digital Documentation (Advanced)  
 1.1  Applying styles in a Documents
 1.2  Adding Graphics in a Dcouments
 1.3  Working with Templets
 1.4  Using a Table of Contents
 1.5  Mail Merge
2. Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)  
 2.1  Analysing Data in a Spreadsheets
 2.2  Linking Data and Spreadsheets
 2.3  Sharing and Reviewing a Spreadsheet
2.4 Using Macros in a Spreadsheets
 3. Databese Management System  
 3.1  Concepts of Databese Management System
 3.2  Craeating and using Tables
 3.3  Performing Operation on Tables
 3.4  Retriving Data using Queries
 3.5  Working with Forms and Reports
 4. Web Applications and Secirity  
 4.1  Working with Accebility options
 4.2  Networking Fundamentals
 4.3  Introduction to Fundamentals
 4.4  Chatting with Google chat
 4.5  Creating and Publishing Blogs
 4.6  Using Offline blog editiors
 4.7  Online Transactions
 4.8  Internet Securities
 4.9  Importance of Workplace Safety
 4.10  Preventing Accident and Emergencies
 4.11  Pretecting Health and Safety at work

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