Coding Grade (6)

1 Introduction to Coding – (Programming Language )

Digital E book          Refrence E book
 1.1   How do traffic lights work (Only theory / what Coding language was used when introduced)
1.2   Where else do we see applications of Coding? (Coding Language)
1.3   What is an OS? Why do we need an OS? Types of OS ?
1.4   What is Coding ? Evolution of Coding ?
1.5   What is High, Mid & Low level Coding language?
2 Basic of C Program
2.1   Why C Programming ? Where does C stand?
2.2   Define Keyword in programming language?
2.3   Define identifiers in programming language?
2.4   Define Variables? What is the variable declaration (Single / Multiple declaration?
2.5   Types of Variables?
2.6   What are data type in C
2.7   Compilation of C Program – Hello world programs.
3 Algorithms, Operators & controls
3.1    What is the flowchart?Ex
3.2    Programming operations on variables /   Operators and its types?
3.3    Example program, explain with flowchart /   Pseudocode?
3.4    Operators, I/O Operators in (Programming   & basic terms
3.5    Scanf .# include .int main egg .%d,%i,%c,%f
3.6    Print .<Studio>.{ } . ;
4 Flow controls in C programming
4.1    If Else
4.2    While Loop
4.3    Switch case
4.4    For loop
4.5   Break continue
4.6   examples
5 Use block code
5.1   Practice Application on Arcade

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